You Only Need To Work Out 3 Seconds A Day To Increase Muscle Strength
Now this is the kind of science I can really get behind. You only need to work out 3 seconds a day to increase muscle strength. According to Fox13, “A recent study found that if you lift weights for just three seconds a day for five days, you will actually see an improvement in muscle strength. The study, published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, had 39 healthy university students perform bicep resistance movements at maximum effort for three seconds per day, five days a week, over four weeks. ”
The group who performed 3 seconds of exercise showed a 10% increase in muscle after 4 weeks. A second control group did no exercise and found no muscle gain. The test was performed by Professor Ken Kazunori Nosaka, lead author and director of exercise and sports science at Edith Cowan University in Perth, Australia.
The test was inspired by a study that was done in Germany in 1953. In that study, participants exercised for twice as long – 6 seconds a day. At the end of the study, the subjects showed muscle gain. Obviously working out for 6 seconds is asking a lot of most people, so the modern survey was reduced to just 3 seconds.
With the success of this study, another similar study has been planned. “We have already started a study to see whether sitting in a chair slowly, every day at least 10 times a day, can improve strength”.
I would totally buy this guy’s workout video. Work out for 3 seconds ? You got it.