Walmart Issues New Guidelines To Keep You, And Their Employees, Safe

Most Americans have greatly altered their shopping habits during the coronavirus pandemic, but Walmart is more than likely still part of most people's lives. Per a blog post on their corporate site, they're working to keep their customers safer, and also doing right by their employees.
Walmart has started installing plexiglass barriers (aka sneeze guards) at their pharmacies (both Walmart and Sam’s Club) and will install these guards at the regular Walmart registers over the next 2 to 3 weeks. They're also committing to cleaning and sanitizing their stores, including their shopping carts. And they're even putting floor decals at the entrances and checkout lines to help people measure appropriate social distancing (you should stay six feet away from other people).
They're also helping out their employees, by making their paychecks accessible to them weekly (instead of every other week) and they point out that the majority of their employees and their family members have access to $4 telehealth doctor visits.
Working at Walmart isn't glamourous under the best of circumstances, and right now, they're risking their health to make sure that Americans get the products that they need. So, maybe thank them next time you stop in a Walmart.