Yale Offers A Free Online Course In Happiness

With everyone quarantined due to the COVID-19 virus, a free online "Happiness" class could not come at a better time than right now.
According to CNN, Yale University's mega-popular "happiness" course is available for free online through Coursera.
Course creator Laurie Santos, a Yale psychology professor, told CNN, "We're in a particularly challenging time not just for this health crisis, this physical health crisis, but also a potential mental health crisis as well."
She explained, "Our minds lie to us all the time. We miswant things. We think we need to change our life circumstances to become happier. What plays a much bigger role are our simple practices, simple acts like making a social connection, or taking time for gratitude, or taking time to be in the present moment. Many people mistakenly believe happiness is just around the corner if we land a better job, find a more attractive mate, or buy a bigger house. But the neuroscience literature doesn't back that up."
Santos added, "Happiness and contentedness stem from repeatedly doing simple tasks, rather than herculean ones. I take the science of happiness as giving us a lot of good news."